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"We dream of Christ followers that take Jesus' Great Commission literally. Jesus said, "Go and make disciples from all nations." Either 'go' or 'send' are the only two options if we are to obey Jesus.  

The vision of Uttermost Missions is quite simple.

We must change our world. That vision is based on the belief that being a Christian, a follower of Jesus, requires much more than just having a personal and transforming relationship with Christ. It means we must have a public and transforming relationship with the world. Jesus said, "As the Father sent me into the world so am I sending you."



"We dream of Christ followers that love people regardless of their race, ethnic origin, social or economic background. We want to love people in a way that truly resembles Jesus' love that He so generously gives each of us. Jesus said, "Love one another as I have loved you."

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